
MTI’s solutions are based on two consulting practices, comprising of 8 Solutions – which are customized to client specific needs.


Market Entry Strategy

Strategic Planning & Growth

M&A Integration

Corporate Re-structuring


Process Re-engineering

Digital Transformation

Performance Management

Resource Optimization

Strategic Planning and Growth


Charting the Strategic Direction of the Organization – given the Emerging Opportunities, Challenges, Capabilities (of the organization) and the Possibilities that can be created.

As a means of gearing the organization to plan for and meeting the future dynamics.

To strategize quantum business growth – in challenging and opportunistic market conditions.


Development of a Comprehensive Strategic Plan based on MTI’s 8S ®, sequentially covering the modules of Scope, Scan, Sights, Strategy, Structure-Staff, Systems and $Financials.

The Final Module titled ‘Straction’ breaks down the Strategic Initiatives to Action, which is then followed by a process of ‘Imple-mentoring’.

Corporate Re-structuring


Under-performing businesses – with the potential for significantly higher performance and / or in urgent need of a transformation.


Ground Zero’ based Re-structuring Vs. Incremental Tweaking.

Re-casting the Conventional P&L into a Value-Chain based P&L – as the basis of the following strategic decision.

Slack Elimination in the Business Strategy – via Rationalization of Business Units, Products, Brands, Channels, Customers, Demand Generation and Supply Chain Initiatives.

Followed by Slack Elimination in the Processes and then Structure – covering Jobs, Layers, Levels and Latitude.

Market Entry Strategy


Reached the optimum level of growth in current markets. Single-country / Single-region Risk.

Single-region Risk.

Compelling Value Proposition – with potential to capture cross-border opportunities.

High Growth Opportunities in Emerging and Frontier Markets.


Development of Internationalization Strategy.

Market Attractiveness and Feasibility Studies

Market Entry Strategy.

Partner Identification – Customers, Channels, Supply Chain.

M&A Integration


For rapid, quantum growth – via an inorganic business strategy.

Divestment of non-core businesses – for sharper business focus.

Cashing out – for alternate investments, inheritance, retirement.


Facilitating the Programmatic M&A Integration process (on either buy-side or sell-side), which constitutes:

Defining Ideal Targets & Prospecting.

Evaluation, and selection of Investor, Divestor, Merger-Partner.

Transaction Documentation (Teasers, Information Memorandums etc.).

Valuation and Due Diligence.

Post M&A Integration via a purposeful Integration Strategy.

“MTI Consulting has effectively concluded the first phase of our strategizing process based on MTI’s 8S ® model, working collaboratively with our management team. Now, in order to effectively execute the strategic initiatives arising from the strategic plan, we have retained MTI Consulting”

Harjit Singh

CEO - Tata Tele Business Services

“Looking back we are extremely pleased with that decision which has paid off significantly as reflected in our business performance and financial results.  MTI played a pivotal role in this exercise and did so while getting the buy-in and inclusiveness of our team.”

Harold S. Edwards

CEO - Limoneira

“MTI has effectively developed and delivered our service branding initiative on 'Living' the Amex Brand.”

Zoran Novakovic

CEO - American Express

“MTI's marketing and business management expereince provides unique insights and skills that have helped us achieve success in the international consumer foods business”

Will Black

Regional Director - DuPont

“The MTI study has given us the market map and pulse of the lubricant market in the two key emerging markets of Indonesia and Myanmar. We now rely on MTI's regional expertise in setting up our channel network.”

Subodh Dakwale

Managing Director - Lanka IOC

“Over the last 6 months, the Senior Management of RURA worked very closely with MTI’s Team of Strategy and Regulatory Sector Consultants, resulting in an effective 5 Year Strategic Plan.”

Dr. Ernest Nsabimana

Director General - Ruwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority

“When MTI started with us on this long journey, it was certainly a turning point for LOLC. Their highly interactive and highly effective workshop process made us think; they challenged us and worked with us in synergy to achieve the results.”

Ishara Nanayakkara

Deputy Chairman - LOLC

MTI enables global strategy for Rwanda’s Home Grown Initiatives
Bhutan’s State Enterprise Board approves MTI’s re-structuring plan
Bangladesh’s top conglomerate mandates MTI for Major Strategy Overhaul
MTI in USA for Strategy Imple-mentoring Project